With Viva round-the-clock hot line you can get an answer to any question related to the services provided by the Company. You can address your questions in the most convenient way, as the 111 hot line is available via three different channels: |
You can contact our operators by dialing 111 from Viva numbers. From other phone numbers dial 093 297111.To contact the hotline while roaming in MTS Group networks simply dial 111 (free of charge), and if you are in roaming in other networks, call +374 93 297111 (chargeable).
By entering the “111 Online” page on the “Internet Assistant” self-care portal you can chat online with Viva operators.
You can also write to 111@viva.am e-mail address and our operators will promptly answer all your questions.
111 - a 24/7 high quality customer care!
You can also reach us at 111 or 093 297111.
For information about fixed services please call at 060 61 00 00 phone number.