Following the guidance provided by ISO 26000 (International Standard of Social Responsibility) and in compliance with the rules of FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) and UKBA (United Kingdom Bribery Act) Viva has developed the below Social Investment Application Guidelines to guide organizations and communities seeking financial or in-kind support.
Main Definitions
Social Investment - reference to ISO 26000 international standard Social Investment is an investment of company’s resources in initiatives and programs aimed at improving social, environmental and economic aspects of the community life. Social Investment may or may not be associated with an organization’s core operational activities.
Project – detailed proposal of an activity expressly devoted to meeting a particular aim related to Social Investment.
In case of being approved, the party submitting the proposal will undergo compliance checks, which may require provision of additional documentation (such as budget estimates, or financial and other information regarding beneficiaries and third parties included in the project).
Upon successful passing of the checks and in the course of the project implementation the party is anticipated to regularly submit financial reports.
Means of project implementation:
•In-kind support (Company’s facilities/services)
•Financial contribution (Company’s financial means for certain projects)
•Volunteering (Personal initiatives of Company’s employees)
Project evaluation:
Project evaluation shall be carried out based on its compliance with the requirements set forth by FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) and UKBA (United Kingdom Bribery Act), following the guidance provided by ISO 26000 (International Standard of Social Responsibility), as well as with the Company’s core values.
The Company is free to decide at its discretion, which project shall be supported and is not obliged to support any or all the proposed projects.
Application guidelines:
The project shall include the following information:
Applicant details; detailed description of the project; date, timeframe and location of the project; current and envisioned beneficiaries of the project; contact details; required budget, list of other sponsors and partnerships, if available.
How to apply to Viva:
Proposals shall be submitted by email to, or delivered to Viva Headquarters (Yerevan, Argishti 4/1) till 1 April 2025 (inclusive).
In case of project approval, applicants will be contacted within 14 working days. Otherwise, the projects are deemed rejected.
You can also reach us at 111 or 093 297111.
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