1. Definitions
1.1.General Rules: this document;
1.2.Operator: "Viva Armenia" Closed Joint Stock Company, which is legally established and has a license to operate a public electronic communication network in the Republic of Armenia;
1.3.Client: a person who has an identification card obtained in accordance with the RA legislation;
1.4.Service: “Mobile ID” Mobile Strong Authentication (hereafter: mobile strong authentication) and/or Electronic Digital Signature services;
1.5.PIN-code: a 6-digit code generated by the client when activating the service;
1.6.mSIM: a new generation card that contains software keys for the service provided;
1.7.Request: a document in the prescribed form of the Operator, which certifies the Client's free will to use the Service;
1.8.Electronic digital signature: unique electronic certificates used to identify the signatory, as well as to protect the electronic document from forgery and distortion;
1.9.Electronic Document: electronically recorded information or message ratified by an electronic signature.
2. General Provisions
2.1.The General Rules define the characteristics of the Mobile Strong Authentication and Electronic Digital Signature service provided by the Operator, the rights and responsibilities of the Client to activate, use, suspend, terminate and perform other actions related to them.
2.2.The Client can use the Service either for authentication only, or for both authentication and electronic digital signature.
2.3.Only persons who have a valid ID card can use the service.
2.4.The electronic digital signature service can be used by persons who have a valid identification card.
2.5.To use the service, the Client must have any mobile phone /without special technical requirements/.
2.6.By submitting a request to use the service, the Client accepts these rules in full and unconditionally.
2.7.The service provides an opportunity to securely pass a strict authentication of an individual online, using appropriate software tools in private organizations and state bodies of the Republic of Armenia, which cooperate with the Operator within the framework of Mobile Strong Authentication and Electronic Digital Signature Service; to access information systems; to submit electronic documents (including applications, inquiries, requests, etc.) in such systems; as well as to certify and to sign such electronic documents with an electronic digital signature.
2.8.The Client undertakes to use the service personally and not to transfer it to another person, otherwise the Client shall bear all the risks and consequences of using the service.
2.9.The Client undertakes to keep confidential the PIN codes generated by him/her and not to give them to third parties.
3. Procedure for Service Provision
3.1.To activate the service, the Client must personally1 approach any service center of the Operator (hereinafter referred to as the “SC”) with an identity document (identification card or passport) and his/her mobile phone, after which the following actions are performed:
3.1.1.The Client’s person is identified;
3.1.2.The Client is provided with a copy of the service activation request, which is signed by hand;
3.1.3.The Client's physical mobile card is replaced with a new generation mSIM card, for which AMD 500 fee is charged, if the card has not already been changed. The card is inserted into the Client's mobile phone and the latter is activated;
3.1.4.With the help of the respective program, the SC employee sends an instruction to the Client to the specified number, by which the Client generates a PIN code for personal authentication with his/her mobile phone number. After the PIN code is generated, it is activated in the system.
3.1.5.After activation of the authentication PIN code, the Client receives another instruction to generate a PIN code to activate the authentication service and/or electronic digital signature, if the Client wants to use the given service. Moreover, the two PIN codes can be the same or different. After the PIN code is generated, it is activated in the system.
3.1.6.The electronic digital signature is activated for a period of one year, but the Client can choose the automatic renewal option, which will extend the service every year for the following year.
3.1.7.The electronic digital signature is activated for a period of one year, but the Customer can choose the auto-renewal option, which will extend the service annually for the next year up to five years, and the Mobile Strong Authentication service is activated for a period of ten years.
3.1.8.After activation, the Client will be provided with a certificate of identification and electronic digital signature2, issued by accredited certification center "Electronic Management Infrastructure Implementation Office" Closed Joint Stock Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Certification Center”).
1 The service cannot be provided by a power of attorney.
2 The electronic digital signature certificate is issued, if the Client has applied for activation of the specified service in accordance with point 3.1.15. of the General Rules.
4. Service Activation and Maintenance
4.1.On the expiration date of the of the service provision period and 15 days before it, the Client receives a notification about the expiration of the service provision period. To extend the period of service provision, the Client must approach a SC and reactivate the service in accordance with the rules.
4.2.The Client has the right to choose the automatic renewal option.
5. Suspension and Termination of the Service
5.1.Services are suspended in the following cases:
5.1.1.Based on the Client's request;
5.1.2. If there is sufficient evidence that the use of the service may harm the Client or third parties;
5.1.3.If there is reasonable suspicion that the phone or PIN code has been accessed by third parties;
5.1.4.The service has been used on illegal grounds;
5.1.5.For technical reasons, when performing improvement and maintenance works;
5.1.6.In case of invalidating the identification card or obtaining a new identification card;
5.1.7.In other cases provided by law.
5.2.The maximum period of service suspension cannot exceed 90 /ninety/ calendar days. If by the end of the specified period the circumstances that caused the suspension of the service were not eliminated, then the service is terminated.
5.3.In case of elimination of the circumstances that served as a ground for the suspension of the service, the service is reactivated in the presence of appropriate grounds certifying the elimination of the circumstances.
5.4.Services are terminated in the following cases:
5.4.1.The Client has outstanding financial obligations;
5.4.2.Termination of the mobile communication subscription contract;
5.4.3.The Client has changed the mobile operator;
5.4.4.In case of death of the Client;
5.4.5.Based on the Client's request.
5.5.In case of suspension or termination of the service, the Client does not return the new generation mobile card provided for service activation.
6.Confidentiality and Personal Data
6.1.1.The Operator and the Client undertake to take all necessary and sufficient measures to keep the information and documents received by the other party confidential and secure.
6.1.2.For the purposes of identifying the Client by the Operator, increasing the quality of the services provided to the Client, entering valid data into the Operator's information databases, updating and correcting the data in the databases, conducting depersonalized analyses using the data in the databases, preventing/detecting cases of fraud related to the services provided, the Operator needs to process, including collecting, recording, entering, coordinating, organizing, storing, using, transforming, restoring, transferring, correcting, or otherwise processing the Client's personal data/including by using any automated, technical means or without them/.
6.1.3.The legal basis for processing of personal data is the written consent of the subject of personal data, the Client, based on this notification.
6.1.4.Personal data to be processed: name, surname, patronymic name, day, month, year of birth, gender, passport data (including data from invalid identity documents), residency, registration address, contact data, public service number, date of death (in order to confirm the fact that the person is not dead for the purpose of possible fraud prevention), liens and confiscations (if any).
6.1.5.Encrypted personal data specified in point 6.1.4. of these Rules transferred by the Client to the Operator, as well as transferred - based on the Operator's request - to the Operator by "EKENG" CJSC from state and local self-government bodies and information systems belonging to other persons, are processed in the Operator's systems that meet the requirements of the ISO 27001 information security standard, in the ways specified in point 6.1.2. of the Rules, and for the purpose of achieving the goals specified in the same point.
6.1.6.The Operator ensures the confidentiality of the Client's personal data in accordance with the RA legislation, taking into account the peculiarities of the service.
6.1.7.Personal data can be transferred to third parties only in the cases and in the manner defined by the RA legislation. Personal data may be transferred or the possibility to use them may be provided to the RA state bodies and the organizations on electronic platforms on which the client uses the Service.
6.1.8.The Client has the right to learn about his/her personal data, to request the Operator to correct, block or destroy his/her personal data, if they are incomplete or inaccurate, or out dated, or were obtained illegally, or are not needed for processing purposes.
6.1.9.The consent shall be valid for the duration of the contractual relationship between the Operator and the Client, as well as for the entire period of document archiving. The subscriber has the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time, as a result of which the legal relationship in effect between the Operator and the subscriber may be revised.
6.1.10.By concluding a contract between the Operator and the Client in the manner prescribed by the General Rules, as well as by fully accepting the amended General Rules in the manner prescribed by point 9.2., the Client gives his/her unconditional consent to the processing of his/her personal data by the Operator in accordance with the notification provided in Section 6 of the General Rules.
7. Responsibility
7.1.The Operator is not held responsible if the Client uses the service improperly or illegally.
7.2.The Client individually bears the risk of not violating the confidentiality and integrity of the information in his/her possession, necessary for using the service.
7.3.The Client individually incurs the obligations arising from transactions made by third parties through the use of the service.
7.4.The Operator is not responsible for service provision failures or problems, if they are the result of circumstances beyond its control.
7.5.The Operator is not responsible for illegal actions of the Client or third parties.
8. Impact of the Superior Force (Force-Majeure)
8.1.The Operator and the Client shall bear no responsibility in case of failure to fulfill the obligations hereunder in part or in full, or delay in the fulfillment thereof, if this is caused by flood, fire, earthquake, other natural disasters, war operation, armed attack, explosion, mass riot, strike, an act adopted by a public authority, highway infrastructure disruption, reduction of electric power or other events beyond the control of the defaulting party.
9. Miscellaneous
9.1.The Operator has the right to unilaterally make changes to the General Rules for Mobile ID Mobile Strong Authentication and/or Electronic Digital Signature Service, price list and special offers (if any) by posting 14 days in advance on its official website. If the Client does not agree with the change, he/she can submit an application to terminate the service in accordance with the established procedure.
9.2.If the Client has not applied to terminate the service within the period specified in point 9.1., it is considered that he/she has accepted the changes completely and unconditionally. Moreover, the Client is responsible for following up the changes.
9.3.Disputes related to the Services and their provision are resolved through negotiations. If no agreement is reached, the dispute is submitted to the RA competent court for resolution.
9.4.The present Rules shall be regulated and interpreted according to the RA legislation.
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